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The 1st and Ultimate Page Builder for Drupal

Create pages in minutes with 60+ widgets (and more on the way). Reuse templates across content types, eCommerce, and custom routes to save time and streamline your workflow.

How it works

Discover Noah’s: A New Era in Page Building for Drupal

Experience the next level of website creation with Noah’s advanced Visual Builder. Say goodbye to complexity and craft stunning pages quickly and easily. Perfect for both pros and beginners, Noah’s lets you design impressive layouts with ease and efficiency.

Real-Time Page Design

Create stunning pages instantly with an intuitive, real-time editor.

Responsive Preview

See how your designs look across devices for a flawless user experience.

Multimedia Library

Access a dedicated library for videos, documents, images and SVG files.

Reusable templates

Save and reuse templates to streamline your workflow and maintain consistency.

Entity-based templates

Build templates tailored for entities, content types, or custom routes with ease.

Header & Footer Themes

Easily design and manage 
headers and footers.

Live Preview of Changes

Preview your changes in real time without saving

Clone, Copy & Paste

Quickly replicate sections, columns, or widgets for faster page building.

Drag & Drop Simplicity

Arrange elements effortlessly with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

Create Unlimited
Drupal Websites with Noah's



Complete editor that, thanks to Drupal's widgets, allows you to create intricate designs and pages

  • 24 widgets
  • Multilanguage Drupal
  • Drupal Views y Blocks
  • Templates for entities.
  • Header & Footer templates
  • Save your templates
  • Global Widgets
  • Full documentation
Best option

Pro version

Create pages, templates for your content types, headers, footers, and much more with over 40 available widgets

160 80
  • +40 widgets
  • Multilanguages Drupal
  • Drupal Views and Blocks
  • Entity templates
  • Header & Footer templates
  • Save your Templates
  • Global Widgets
  • Full documentation

Up to you

Need customizations in Noah's? Contact us now.

  • Custom Widgets
  • Custom development
  • Integrate your module
  • More and more :)
Noahs Page Builder
Noahs Page Builder
Noahs Page Builder

Transforms, Transitions, Animations

Increase element visibility using transformations, transitions, or animations in your widgets

Custom CSS

Add custom CSS to your widgets quickly without using CSS files

Noahs Page Builder

Responsive Control

Design your site for all devices, previewing your changes live. All widgets are ready for you to customize according to your preferences

Hover Styles

You not only have responsive styles, but also styles for when you hover over the element

Noahs Page Builder
Nohas Pro Drupal 10
Nohas Pro Drupal 10
Nohas Pro Drupal 10
Nohas Pro Drupal 10

Parallax Scroll

Add scroll animations to your elements. Give your webpage an extra touch with smooth transitions

Develop your own widgets

Developing your own widgets is much easier than manually coding in Twig or in your custom template. It's even easier than creating custom forms with Drupal's Form API. With over 40 field types available, you'll have everything you need to create advanced widgets.

Background Parallax

Add a simple transition to your background image to give your website a distinctive touch

Need Help?

If you have any interesting ideas to share, need help with Noah's, or have anything else you'd like to discuss, please fill out this form :)

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